May 13, 2024

How Does the Gate Pass Management System Help the Pharma Industry?

A gate pass management system is primarily important in the pharmaceutical industry to automate the entire gate processes including material, visitors, vehicle, etc. The security of the pharma industry is utmost important and should not be compromised. The assets of the pharma industry too need protective barriers and for all this, company needs a reliable, scalable gate pass management system.

It is important to safeguard sensitive data, streamline processes and operations of the pharma industry, and meet the strict regulatory standards in the industry. In this blog, we will delve into some reasons why the gate pass system is important and how it helps the pharma industry.

Why Gate Pass System Is Important For The Pharma Industry?

A robust gate pass system helps to keep the pharma production cycle running smoothly along with keeping an accurate track of all vehicles, visitors, and related items that need to be shipped or retrieved or any other objects. Here are some reasons why the pharma industry needs a gate pass system:

  • Theft: The pharma sector deals with many thefts such as theft of important information, robbing healthcare findings, research data, and manufactured raw materials, drugs, or medicines which can destroy important research and pharma assets.

For instance, according to the National Library of Medicine, thieves posing as Drug Enforcement Agency agents stole narcotics costing $108,000 in Alabama. However, using a gate pass system can prevent such thefts as a reliable gate pass automates visitor registration, check-in, and check-out, prevents unauthorized access theft of materials, reduces administrative work, and prevents sensitive material and losses. 

  • Fraud: According to a report by the WHO (World Health Organization) from 2017 indicated that 10.5% of medicines/drugs sold in countries like India are substandard and falsified which is a serious threat to patient safety. This is where there is a great need for a gate pass system in pharma to work with access control systems. 
  • Brand Damage: If incidents of thefts or fraud continue in your pharma industry, there are chances that investors may not support your industry and refuse to buy medicines. But with the use of VMS, the pharma industry can track real-time background checks and visitor movements to avoid such incidents thus enhancing security, improving work flow, and providing data analytics. 
  • Security Breach: The Pharma industry consists of expensive assets, valuable research, sensitive visitor data, etc. This sector is the main target for cyberattacks with a staggering 53% of breaches, costing $5.06 million per incident. Gate pass management regulates access, monitors visitor activity, and enhances security to protect their facilities, employees, and valuable assets. Overall, it effectively makes industries aware of vulnerabilities and ensures the safety of your pharmaceutical operations.

How Does the Gate Pass System Help the Pharma Industry?

Gate Pass System Help the Pharma Industry

As the pharma industry deals with drugs, sensitive materials, and research data, it is important to keep these assets safe and away from unauthorized hands. OneStop’s Gate Pass Management System encompasses a range of features, including visitor management, vehicle tracking, and material management system. Let’s understand how pharma industry can leverage these features to their advantage.

Material Management Software

Material management software includes the management of supplies, consumables, materials, etc which streamlines the authorization and tracking of material movements going inward or outward and keeps track of inventory management. The assets can be the items that need to be delivered or retrieved, returnable, non-returnable, inter or intra-transferable, or any other type of object. It resolves the difficulties brought on by paper passes by offering features like real-time monitoring to further enhance transparency and security. Let’s understand how pharma can leverage these features to their advantage.

  • No Paper and Printing Required: A gate pass management system helps in getting rid of the heap of paper forms by automating the whole gate pass operation. 
  • Authorizations And Approvals: Before moving assets to various locations, they need to be authorized by some authority. It also allows you to add or remove any authorizing levels. 
  • Compliance & Audit Requirements: No manual signature is required for material gate passes, they can be approved from anywhere digitally. It maintains compliance and audit requirements by detailing records of all movements, which can be essential during audits.
  • Instant Notifications & Alerts: Unlike traditional gate pass systems, the request for moving material can be notified with necessary information digitally, minimizing the delay time, misplacement, and loss. 

Visitor Management System

OneStop’s visitor management system is essential for the pharma industry because visitors play an essential role in its growth and success. Visitors can be vendors, customers, contractors, auditors, etc. So, it is important to well-protect their sensitive information from destruction, theft, and security. This is where the game of Visitor management software starts. It ensures and safeguards security protocols, environment, and hospital safety along the materials are handled only by authorized people as well. Let’s understand how pharma can leverage these features to their advantage.

  • Protecting the Research: Using VMS, the pharma industry can be sure that their research information or sensitive client details are in authorized hands. 
  • Emergency Management: The visitor management system automates the visitor’s entry and manages the visitor’s details; thus, providing better control in emergencies too.
  • Enhances Safety: VMS, minimizes the entry of unauthorized people which improves and strengthens the industry safety standards.
  • Reducing Unwanted Expenses: With the implementation of visitor management, the pharma industry can reduce the unwanted costs of human resources allocation, thus enhancing the ROI with minimal development cost.

Vehicle Gate Pass System

The pharma industry is a business that deals with logistics, manufacturing, and tracking of vehicles’ movement in and out of the premises. Using the gate pass management system, the process of logging vehicles becomes easier rather than relying on manual paper entries and logs. The traditional approach was time-consuming as they only approved requests when a certain authority permitted vehicles in and out. With the introduction of the vehicle management system, this process becomes fast and offers real-time monitoring of vehicle movements, aiding in inventory management and optimizing traffic flow. Let’s understand how pharma can leverage these features to their advantage.

  • Removes Manual Register from Gate: Using the vehicle gate pass system, the pharma industry can get free from the hassle of paperwork. It’s automated and real-time monitoring of vehicles allows you to approve requests in real-time.
  • Vehicle and Driver Verifications at the Gate: Before the vehicle enters into premises, they need to perform a pre-approval process by submitting the purpose of the visit. Moreover, the driver’s details and other required information are collected for approval. 
  • Verify Vehicle Data Before Entry: Upon arrival of any vehicle, their authentication methods can include bar code scanning, RFID, or license plate recognition to verify the vehicle data. The registration process may require details such as vehicle type, registration number, ownership information, etc. 
  • Security Checks: Upon vehicle arrival, they undergo a security check using a CCTV camera or real-time monitoring where all the relevant security measures are taken to inspect hazardous materials, minimizing the cases of theft, and losses and enhancing security. 


In conclusion, the incorporation of a gate pass management system is essential for the pharma industry like the hospitality industry which we have read in our previous blog. This versatile and indispensable software offers a range of benefits like security, regulatory compliance, streamlined operations, enhancing the visitor experience, and embracing technological advancements. Moreover, using GPMS pharma can customize visitor experiences, and create stronger relationships with their partners and clients. Pharma business grows rapidly, so adopting such reliable solutions becomes not only a necessity but a smart move to stay ahead in the market. 

Take the steps towards a safer and more productive workspace by investing in OneStop Solution GPMS for robust security experience advantages and revolutionizing your visitor management processes.

Read more: Future of Visitor Management: Predictions and Trends for 2024

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