OneStop Gate Pass Management Solution – Workflow
Security and privacy are the two main concerns of any business. For this, companies need to have a safe and secure gate pass management solution/ visitor management system. An effective and reliable gate pass management solution keep a closer track of the entry and exit of all visitors, materials, and vehicle on the premises, their movements through the site, and log any relevant information.
OneStop Gate pass Management Solution records the entry and exit of Visitors, Materials & Vehicles and is quite easy to use.
Benefits of a Gate Pass Management System are:
Some of the benefits of gate pass management system are-
- Improved Workflow– The system helps to improve the workflow by providing accurate data
- Improved Planning– The system enables companies to plan their operations better by keeping track of inventories and deliveries
- Reduced Costs– A Gate Pass Management System reduces costs for companies by increasing efficiency in operations, reducing manual handling, improving forecasting accuracy and reducing errors.
- Improved Security – One of the best benefits of a material gate pass management system to businesses is enhanced security. It helps keep an easy track of everything moving in and out about business activities.
- Easy Tracking – Along with improved security, the material gate pass system also easily track every business material used anywhere. The system also eliminates the chances of errors and automates the entire process.
- Transparent Communication -Another significant benefit of the material out gate pass is maintaining transparent and consistent communication. Both the involved parties can remain in constant touch with the use of the material management system.
- Accurate Record – The traditional manual ways of recording the material movements are prone to various errors and mistakes. On the other hand, the inward gate pass eliminates the chances of errors and mistakes. As a result, it helps maintain accurate records for the movement of business material.
Read in detail – benefits of cloud based gatepass management system here.
Workflow of OneStop Gatepass System
- REQUEST – This is the first stage of Gate Pass Management Solution and is accessible based on the User Role configuration. The requestor is the employee who will be creating the gate pass and sending the notifications to the manager. Authorizations, Request Search, Gate pass printing, View page, and Request expiry can be customized based on requirements.
- Role-based requests for various categories
- DC No. is the internal delivery challan/Invoice or Document number put manually in the OUT gate passes by users
- Parallel material request and approvals can be configured
- APPROVAL– It is the continuation of the gatepass workflow that requires approval from the employees to process the material, vehicle, or visitor gate pass request. A super admin can create a user for multi-level approval flow so that these users can be added as makers and checkers for different modules.
- Approvals can be role-based or value-based
- Multi-level approvals can be configured.
- Notification to Department Head
- Record approver’s signature & time of approval
- LODING / UNLOADING – This is the stage that sends the material outside or takes it into the organization through the security desk. Acknowledgment is to acknowledge the receipt of materials at the other end, typically used in inter-branch or inter-location transfers.
- Acknowledgment is enabled in Inter-Office transfers of materials
- Role-based dispatch option

Material Gate Pass Types
In the Material gate pass material is brought and sent out of the premises. The material is available in both returnable and non-returnable formats.
Returnable Gate Pass:
For materials that leave the premises, a returnable gate pass is provided and returned (or materials that enter your facility and have to be sent back).
Returnable Gatepass is issued when a material both exits the main gate and returns back to the company and also when a material enters the main gate and then exits the main gate. A returnable gate pass can have both inward and outward purposes.
Inward Returnable Gate Pass, for instance, is issued when a material is rented where it will enter the main gate and also exit once the rent is over. Examples are samples and rental materials.
Outward Returnable Gate Pass is issued when the materials of the company exits the main gate and returns. For instance, the company materials that need repair will be issued outward returnable gate pass for it to go outside and then return once it is repaired.
Note: A due date for returnable material is recorded, and if the material is not returned by the due date, an alert will be sent through SMS and EMAIL.
Non- Returnable Gate Pass
A material that enters your facility’s gates but do not exit are given a non-returnable gate pass (or exits your premises and is not to be returned).
Non-Returnable Gate Pass is issued when a material that only exits the main gate or only enters the main gate. It is not a two-way process. It should also be noted that approval for non-returnable gate pass is mandatory. A non-returnable gate pass can have both inward and outward purposes.
Inward non-returnable gate pass is issued when a material enters the main gate and do not exit the gate. These materials are usually for company’s use. Examples are raw materials, consumables, and stationeries for the company are requested.
Outward non-returnable gate pass is issued only when a material exits the main gate. Examples are manufactured goods for sales.
Challenges of Manual Material Gate Pass Management Solution
A manual material management system that uses RGP and NGRP faces multiple problems like no data reference, difficulty in computing the quantities, inability to track the materials at every stage and till the end, and minimal or no sharing of information between departments.
How does OneStop Gate Pass Management Solution help?
- Track returnable and non-returnable materials
- A multi-level approval system for dispatches and receipts
- Return can be Accepted or Rejected and reasons recorded for the same
- Material Due Date is captured for returnable gate passes
- Role based return approval and acknowledgement
- Detailed reports on status of materials, contractors and returnable
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