Why businesses need cloud-based gate pass software?
The evolution in technology has made some efficient changes in business management. A lot of businesses go into huge losses due to cyber-attacks and threats they possess from hackers. But, a revolution in technology has made business management easier. And today cloud-based gate pass management software is indispensable as it secures the business from predators.
Cloud-based gate pass management has pros that you cannot ignore. It is a smart technology that helps in eliminating any concerns about safety and security in an office. Many organizations are still contemplating this change. If you are one, then here are a few advantages of cloud-based gate pass management software.
How would you define cloud-based?
If you are new to this term then let’s delve into its definition before stating the advantages. The definition is given by Eric Griffith the founder of PCMag, “Cloud-based computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of a computer’s hard drive”.
So what does Cloud-Based Gate Pass Management System mean and how does it helps?
This means when any visitor, vehicle or material enters your sites, the entries are done on the cloud server instead of being hosted by a local internet server.
How is cloud gate pass management software helpful?
It means the data won’t be stored on the computer hard drive rather it will be all over the internet. So you can access who came and for how long they stayed, anytime anywhere.
Read: Improve the visitor security with gate pass management system
Reasons to have a Cloud-Based Gate-Pass Management System
1. Cloud-Based Has Free Trials
Cloud-based platforms are SaaS applications, which means it has a free trial period. You can either cancel the subscription or carry it on depending on the service you enjoy. For instance, with One Stop Global, you can get the cloud-based gate system free trial for 15 days. With that, you can easily learn how to sign up every employee in your office in the system and how to use it. This way you get enough time for making decisions on how to operate the cloud-based gate pass management system in an institution.
2. No Need To Fret Over Data Loss
One of the biggest benefits of using cloud-based gate pass management software is you can never lose the data. Every little information is saved on the cloud, so any employee in your office from the front desk to the manager can log in to the account and access the data and files. The institution or office does not depend on the original copy. You can access the data from any device or any place with a cloud-based visitor management system.
Furthermore, you can anonymize the data, this means you are in authority over which data you want to share in the public domain. With the cloud-based gate system, you can organize your data, reach a high level of security, and control which clients and interviewees can look at the data of the company.
3. Cost-Effective
Cloud-based system costs are far lower than any other on-site gate-management system. The reason behind the cost-effectiveness is you don’t need to install high-security server-side hardware, antiviruses, and storage. Moreover, you don’t need to spend too much on extra space so you can house the local servers.
The cloud-based system has automated upgrades, so you don’t need to spend on regular maintenance plans, software support, and future upgrades on both hardware and software.
4. System is always up to date
Regular updates can make the system slow. Maintenance takes time and also leads to a delay in the overall productivity of a company. Whereas, the installation of cloud-based management can save both time and money.
5. Easy Setup And Installation Process
Selecting a user-friendly management system is the stair to active higher adoption rates. Web-based gate pass management system is a SaaS application, so the solution is easier to set up and installation is easy, it does not require any specific training. This makes the company more efficient if they have understood the process of using the software during the trial period. It is a one-time process where you need to learn once and after that, a smooth and intuitive platform is there to work.
6. Data is Easily Accessible
As we have mentioned above, the cloud-based management system is not localized software. The data is on the internet which is easily accessible by any employee or staff. The data is not stored in any hardware and local servers, anyone with authorized permission can access the data from any device.
7. Cloud-based Software is Highly Scalable
When we consider any technology for any business the first thought that strikes us is ‘how scalable it is?’ So, when you use SaaS software for business and gatepass management systems, it gives the ability to grow the business. So, if you have a small business right now but it is growing exponentially every year you don’t need to worry about outgrowing the gate-pass management system.
The reason behind this is since all the information is stored in a cloud-based management system you can easily increase the number of visitors to your subscription, without any significant effect on the system. Even in the future if you open multiple offices in a different location, the setup process will be easy and hassle-free.
8. Low Maintenance and Low-Security Risk
Bid goodbyes to the ugly old application that requires weekly or monthly maintenance and embraces a cloud-based management system. When you adopt a cloud-based system, the company which provides you this system manages the regular updates and ensures you are always using the latest version.
The cloud management is always checked, updated regularly, and secured by the provider company ensuring there is no data thrift from hackers. It provides a guard against vulnerable data.
Data thrift is one of the top concerns of any corporate system, accepting and embracing a technology that secures against security vulnerability should always be celebrated.
Also Read: Workflow of OneStop Gate Pass Management System
OneStop Gate Pass Management System is one of the leading Gate Pass management software in India. It secures the data and provides all the advantages listed in the article. So, take advantage of the benefits mentioned above to remain ahead of the transition curve.
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