QR Codes
QR Codes

With the rapid growth of visitor management, QR codes have emerged as a powerful and versatile tool. It revolutionized the way workplaces welcome and track visitors. QR codes have rapidly witnessed a substantial increase on digital platforms. 

Although QR codes have been used for a long time, they were limited to physical touch. With the help of visitor management software, they have emerged with numerous advantages such as swift and contactless check-ins, heightened security, real-time tracking and monitoring of visitors, etc.  In this blog, we will explore the six key advantages that QR codes provide in enhancing workplace safety and efficiency. 

What is a QR Code?

QR Code (Quick Response) consists of black squares and dots designed in a square grid with a white background. It has evolved from being just a random pattern on paper to becoming a versatile tool for enhancing the customer experience. It works similarly to that of a barcode but is much faster as it processes the information within a few seconds. QR code can be accessed by a smart phone camera also.

According to a report by BARC India, the usage of QR code increased by 550% by the end of 2020 with a sudden reach of 1 billion smart phone users. QR codes can be used for various purposes, such as mobile payments, contactless delivery, digital menus, etc. 

Additionally, 83% of users have engaged with QR codes at least once, and then 9 million merchants actively utilize QR code payments. This valuable tool enables workplace real-time visibility and facilitates personalized experiences, allowing brands to connect swiftly with their customers.

How To Use QR Codes In The Workplace?

QR codes are a step up from traditional paper-based logbooks. A visitor can scan a QR code using their smart phone, to register, check in, or access specific areas. The process is swift, reduces physical contact, and cuts down on paper usage. Overall it ensures security becoming essential in commercial offices and spaces. Workplaces can use QR codes for the following purposes:

Simplify Your Sign-Ins

One of the major uses of QR codes for the workplace is for visitors and employees to sign in for the registration process. They offer a simple, and contactless method to allow pre-registered visitors to grant access to your workplace. Investing in OneStop gate pass software lets you organize and simplify the workflow and streamline the entire gate pass management process by making it more straightforward. It gives you a verified, contactless sign-in and a single scan. 

Verifying Staff Movements

Another best use of a QR code is to monitor and verify staff movements in your workplace. QR codes can help to have an instant view of where the staff are and employee movements across your premises via printed QR codes and a reliable gate pass system which will maintain the safety of the workplace. 

File Sharing

Every workplace needs to share files and documents which can be done via emails or stored on a shared drive. These methods are time-consuming. But using QR codes, running on third-party platforms, one can scan the generated code with their phone and receive the document. 

Customization Solutions for Diverse Needs.

QR code systems in visitor management are highly customizabble and adaptable to the unique needs of different businesses. Whether you run a small office or a large-scale event, QR codes can be seamlessly integrated into your existing systems based on specific requirements, making them an ideal solution for a wide range of industries.

6 Advantages of QR Codes In Visitor Management For The Workplace

QR code tool has benefits above increased visibility and security for your workplace. Here are 6 advantages that they hold in the context of a visitor management system: 

Reduce Paper Work with Digital Check-Ins

Gone are the days when there were manual check-ins on paper files. Now, workplaces are switching to QR codes based on visitor management. They offer quick scans using smart phones, upon the arrival of visitors. It maintains health and safety standards, by making it contactless scanning. 

Improved Security Through Individualized QR Codes

Another major advantage of QR code in VMS is the ability to generate unique or individualized QR codes for each visitor ensuring that only authorized visitors with valid QR code can access your location. This saves time and boosts productivity hence ensuring security standards. 

Real-Time Tracking, Monitoring, and Alerts

QR code systems with gate pass come integrated with real-time tracking capabilities, allowing businesses instant visibility into visitor movements against databases containing watch lists, and sending alerts to security personnel in the case of a threat. This allows organizers to react quickly and ensure a seamless experience for everyone. In other words, it provides real-time tracking and ensures that security measures are proactive and responsive.

Efficient Data Capture and Analytics

QR codes also offer automatic accurate data capture. The visitor details are recorded and stored digitally, minimizing the errors. Additionally, analytics tools provide valuable insights into visitor patterns. This will help any workplace to make informed, data-driven decisions to optimize operations and enhance the overall visitor experience.

Data Security and Privacy in a Digital Age

In this digital stage, keeping your data safe is important in QR codes with visitor management can be helpful. In VMS, the visitor’s personal details are encrypted which only authority people can access. Also, this data is deleted when no longer needed for the visitor’s privacy ensuring security. 

Enhancing Efficiency and Reducing Resources Usage

Workplaces can make their working smart by investing in a QR code-based visitor management system. It promotes work efficiency and reduces overall resource usage by eliminating physical forms and reducing paperwork and waste. It offers visitors digital and quick scans, speeds up the check-in process, and helps in data management. Additionally, the accuracy and accessibility of the visitor information become easy while keeping the visitor security protocol top-notch. 


To take your workplace experience to the next level, the adoption of QR-based OneStop visitor management can transform the shift toward efficiency, security, and adaptability. QR codes not only benefit physical safety but are convenient for signing in employees and visitors unlocking the future-ready solution for evolving needs. They provide valuable data insights and enhance security while reducing the stress for guests and front-desk professionals and enhancing your productivity.

As technology evolves, QR codes work as a bridge between the real and digital worlds, providing endless opportunities to engage, inform, and make clients happy. The future of the VMS experience is wide, and QR codes are the key to making it awesome.

Gate Pass Systems in Banks
Gate Pass Systems in Banks

Banks have persistently adopted digitalization to enhance their operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. One of the fast-track digitalization’s is the need for gate pass systems in banks to revamp the prevailing capacity of the industry. The market for gate passes is expected to grow from $1.6 billion in 2023 to $3 billion by 2028 at a 13.7% CAGR. 

The implementation of gate passes is important to enhance banking security, and streamline operations. Although banks face numerous challenges in implementing gate pass solutions, but where there are challenges, there are solutions too. In this article, we will dive into some solutions to the challenges that banks typically face while implementing gate pass systems. 

Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Gate Pass Systems in Banks

Sectors like hospitality, banking, and finance are no strangers to cloud technology. Having smart visitor management empowers banks’ security, works as a cost-saving solution, reduces the front desk workload, enhances customer stratification, and boosts overall productivity.

According to a survey by McKinsey in 2022, 54% of financial services aim to move around 50% of their workloads to the public cloud within the next five years. But how exactly could any banking sector reward itself with visitor management? Like any technology solution, the banking sector can encounter challenges while implementing gate pass solutions. 

Here are some challenges with their solutions to gain a better insight into implementing digital gate passes in banking:

Challenge 1: Integration with Existing Systems

The biggest challenge that the banking sector can faces is compatibility issue of traditional platforms with modern VMS platforms. It may further require operational downtime which may disrupt the regular workflow of the banking sector. Additionally, migrating the data from older systems to new visitor management can be daunting, time-consuming, and may cause data loss. 

The Solution: Seamless Data Migration & Integration 

But with the Cloud Based Gate Pass Management System / Visitor Gate Pass, data can be easily migrated from the traditional system to the new system. The robust system allows quick data exchange and interoperability, without any downtime ensuring a smooth transfer of data. 

Challenge 2: Resistance to Change

The bank’s employees are resistant to change their way of doing traditional frameworks, especially if they are working on the same system for a long time. They also fear that introducing new technologies like the online gate pass system can cause complexity and can be tough for them. But this is typical because the real benefits of VMS are not fully understood by them and they are not trained.

The Solution: Change Management

By understanding the change management strategies, the challenge of employee resistance can be handled. The practice involves all the employees or users of each level (administrators, employees, and guests) to understand the VMS implementation process, and decision-making process to have better insight into the benefits of the new system. Training sessions can be helpful for how the implementation can benefit them to ease their operations. 

Challenge 3: Data Privacy and Compliance Concerns

According to a survey, 15% of bank organizations are concerned about customer data privacy and compliance with regulations while implementing e gate pass. They believe that implementing a new system will increase the risk of vulnerabilities that may exploit customer-sensitive information. 

Solution: Introduction of Streamlined Compliance Processes

Banks adhere to strict policies and regulations to ensure customer data protection and collection. So, digital gate pass systems must prioritize robust security and safety protocols, transparent data handling practices, and compliance with regulations such as GDPR or HIPAA to prevent potential data leaks. Creating detailed privacy policies and conducting regular security checks can build confidence in customers.

Challenge 4: Security Concerns.

Ensuring security is paramount for the banking industry in terms of data and managing visitors. As banks deal with highly sensitive data, any breach in security can cause severe consequences. Thus, implementing a gate pass system that does not compromise the bank’s security posture is a significant challenge.

Solution: Securely Log Everything.

High security is a major concern for any workplace, especially banks. Implementing a robust visitor management system can potentially deal with security breaches without compromising sensitive information and visitors. An ideal gate pass management system collects visitors’ data in real-time, captures arrival and departure times, and access authorization levels. For instance, a visitor to one office cannot have access to other offices in the bank thus maintaining a balance between welcoming guests and protecting the bank compliance regulations. It securely logs every detail of visitors which can provide valuable insights into visitor logs for security concerns.  

Challenge 5: Managing Vendor Relationships.

The next challenge banks may face while implementing VMS is communication challenges with their vendors. It can disturb their regular communications with old vendors as not all vendors will be familiar with the introduction to new technology systems which may require training or additional support leading to renegotiations or disputes thus reflecting the poor reputation of the bank. In other words, a poor visitor experience such as cumbersome check-in processes, unfriendly staff, or a lack of clear directions can all contribute to a negative impression of the workplace.

Solution: Scalability.

The OneStop cloud-based visitor management solution can incorporate the latest and greatest integrations without compromising efficiency. Scalability to reduce system administration workload, integration of third-party technologies, and better remote access are just some examples of upgrading VMS technology.  

Some Features of the OneStop Gate Pass Management System:

  • A foolproof gate pass management solution that allows only pre-authorized visitors. 
  • Easy integration with bank access control system for tracking visitor movement.
  • Automated visitor check-in/check-out thus eliminating unauthorized security breaches.
  • Comprehensive visitor database access for bank employees, ease of tracking and monitoring.
  • Real-time host monitoring and instant host notification for visitor’s approval to the data center. 
  • Register all materials records whether carried in/out and returnable items.
  • Visitor history tracking for blacklisted visitor validation. 


Understanding these challenges and addressing them with solutions, planning, and effective communication strategies can be beneficial. Additionally, user-friendly designs and comprehensive training can support the successful implementation of gate pass systems in banks. 

Moreover, VMS upgrades an organization’s security by keeping digital records, creating reports, detecting visitor patterns, and more. It helps save time while maintaining compliance regulations. 

Investing in OneStop solutions offers positive outcomes with scalability and growth that ensures the bank industry should benefit from improved security and streamlined visitor experience. Contact us and we would be happy to guide you through the implementation process!

Gate Pass Systems Improve Access Control on Construction Sites

Construction sites often deal with the risks of unauthorized visitors and vehicles. There can be many problems that arise due to inadequately controlled construction sites such as injury to people, theft of tools, equipment, and materials, damage to working tools and structures, or fraudulent acts or crimes. Moreover, the risk of theft and damage is 50% higher on larger construction sites than on smaller sites.

For this reason, having construction site access control systems such as gate pass management systems is necessary to ensure the safety and efficient management of ongoing activities.

In this blog, we’ll elucidate the role gate pass in construction industry so as to upgrade their current security systems to help manage the threat of break-ins, vandalism and theft.

Overview: Construction Site Access Control

Access control on a construction site refers to implementing security measures or protocols for the security of property, equipment, and visitors. It regulates and manages the access of the building like who can enter or exit the site, and ensures that only authorized personnel can enter in specific work zones to keep the security of your overall location and avoid the risk of theft and vandalism. It aims to ensure safety, and security and offer efficient operations. With the OneStop gate pass management system, you can achieve reliable access control for your construction site. 

How Does Gate Pass Systems Work with Access Control on Construction Sites?

Gate Pass Management System (GPMS) manages incoming and outgoing items from your construction site. The system’s main aim is to secure the site from outside visitors, contractors, and manage other aspects such as managing vehicle security, material, visitor basic information, and contractors. To achieve this, two types of gate passes are issued including:

  • Returnable Gate Pass (RGP)- A returnable gate pass is issued for products that enter the site and have to be sent back or vice versa.
  • Non Returnable Gate Pass (NRGP)- A non returnable gate pass is issued for products that exit the gates of your site and are not supposed to be returned. 

How Gate Pass Systems Improve Access Control on Construction Sites?

Any construction site has a range of responsibilities. So, it is important to ensure the site’s security and manage the place in the right way. Gate pass management system will help manage the threat of break-ins, vandalism and theft. Now, let’s dive into the main question: how gate pass management systems can improve the access control on construction sites. 

Enhances Security:

Just as the role of the gate pass system is important for the security of the manufacturing industry, it is also important for the construction site. It is beneficial to manage the flow of visitors on the site with the implementation of technologies such as RFID cards, biometric scanners, or mobile applications to ensure that only authorized visitors or vehicles enter into the site.

In short, it makes the visitor management streamlined by automated registration, validation and check-in/check-out process. The system helps in real-time monitoring of the site, and alerts if any unauthorized person tries to attempt to enter the site or crosses other security breaches. Thus, having an efficient access control system provides safety and security for the smooth operations in construction sites. 

Easy Compliance: 

The other way how gate passes improve the construction site is by enhancing the compliance management by automating and centralizing the access control process such as keeping the accurate records of site visitors. It allows detailed records of visitors and vehicle movements and ensures the safety protocols.

Gate pass system sets specific policies and restrictions based on the regulatory standards so only authorized visitors can access the certain site or construction equipment which minimizes the risks of theft. Additionally, it monitors the workforce compliance such as attendance regulations, working hours and break time of labor thus ensuring overall compliance and safety.

Streamline Operations: 

Gate pass system is also beneficial for making the construction site operations smooth by reducing the paperwork and automating the processes such as visitor management, vehicle tracking, access control, and real-time monitoring. It revolutionizes the access control process and eliminates the manual administrative tasks, ensuring a swift and secure environment on the site. Additionally, it allows tracking site occupancy, visitors movements, and resource utilization instantaneously. This approach of digital gate pass helps in decision-making, optimized workflow management, and timely allocation of resources, thus enhancing productivity.

Data-Driven Insights: 

Gate pass systems are also beneficial in generating comprehensive reports that provide valuable data insights for making informed decision making and security purposes. As the system aims to record visitors and vehicle movements, it helps to get valuable data on site operations which may include analyzing peak entry and exit times, anomalies in site activity, optimizing resource allocation, identifying potential risks, etc. With real-time monitoring and auditing managers can address security vulnerabilities and make informed decisions that lead to project success. 

Material Management:

Gate pass system also helps construction sites in material management by keeping the track of material movement such as, it records when materials are entered on the site and when they are removed. Additionally, the system maintains the inventory records for managers to monitor material usage and to detect any irregularities. Thus gate pass enables seamless coordination between access control and material tracking systems.

Reduce Theft and Accidents:

Gate pass system ensures to protect sites assets, equipment, by ensuring safety protocols and allowing only trained and authorized people to enter the site thus reducing accidents caused by inexperienced or unqualified individuals. By integrating the gate pass with other security technologies like CCTV or alarm systems, the managers can identify the site security, detect suspicious activity such as theft and vandalism occurrence allowing managers to take rapid intervention to prevent theft incidents. Real time monitoring helps to access the site thus reducing theft. 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Detection

OneStop deploys cameras and deep-learning algorithms with gate pass, to automatically identify and alert PPE violations – for example, not wearing hard hats in high-risk working areas

Benefits of PPE detection

  1. Fully automated – Checks whether workers are wearing hard hats and other PPE at all times during labor.
  2. Timely notifications – Beeps alarm and sends timely notification to the security personnelwhen worker removes PPE Kit. This minimizes the time a worker would be in danger.
  3. Easy to implement


In the world where safety and security are paramount, gate pass systems offer many kinds of access control benefits and cover a range of security objectives such as maintaining security, managing access, and ensuring the safety of visitors and assets. They are known for creating systematic and efficient ways to manage the flow of people and vehicles while ensuring security vulnerabilities. 

Get in touch with OneStop to enhance your construction site security to new heights with a gate pass management system. We make it simple to monitor, grant and review access to every access point. 

Gate Pass in Process Excellence

Manufacturing industries are great at innovations and have changed drastically and so have their supply chains. Today, these facilities need more than a paper log book and a friendly receptionist at the door. And solution to all this is an online gate pass. 

Using gate passes will eliminate lengthy check-in processes and can monitor/handle visitors, equipment, work-in-process or finished products, trade secrets, data, and records, ensuring security compliance.

This blog will provide you with all the information you need to know about implementing an online gate pass for your supply chain and manufacturing industry.

Overview: Understanding The Role of Gate Pass In Manufacturing Industry

The gate pass system is becoming increasingly popular in manufacturing industries. The future of VMS is expanding as it can benefit from automated processes that save time and money. Onestop Cloud Based Digital/ online gate pass monitors the ongoing movement of vehicles and visitors in and out of your facility, securing your workplace while also offering a smooth check-in experience.

Additionally, it ensures that visitors are properly managed and tracked. It further benefits to collect check-in data and run instant reports to complete internal or third-party audits. The visitor management system also helps cultivate relationships that may generate business growth by automating follow-up communications between visitors and staff members to ensure you don’t lose important connections, reduce contact information errors that often result from traditional paperwork, and analyze strategic initiatives in supply chain efficiencies, product development, and inventory management. With all these benefits, it’s no wonder why so many manufacturing industries are choosing to implement Gate Pass or Visitor management systems in their businesses.

Before moving ahead, lets first understand what is process excellence in the manufacturing industry.

What Is Process Excellence in The Manufacturing Industry?

Process excellence for any manufacturing industry means creating effective, efficient processes through design and testing to deliver consistent and positive outcomes with minimal variation and waste. This process helps the industry to run smoothly and achieve pre-defined results consistently. It is all about improving the business working way to deliver value to their customers.

To achieve this, the supply chain of industry should also be flawless.

What is Supply Chain Management in the Manufacturing Industry?

The supply chain is the heart of any manufacturing industry. It is a network of interconnected businesses that work together to make products and deliver them to customers cost-effectively and professionally. It is a challenging task to manage and optimize large network of suppliers, securing raw materials and fulfilling orders.

Supply chain management works similarly to a material management system as it also takes care of everything from negotiating vendor contracts to inventory management to product shipping and returns. Thus, effective supply chain management is a necessity for manufacturing companies. 

That’s why manufacturers invest in modern supply chain technologies to balance costs, quality, agility, and speed for the manufacturing process. According to a 2022 report by the World Manufacturing Foundation, manufacturing industries were the hardest hit by supply chain disruptions, with more than 60% of manufacturers experiencing supplier delays. So, to overcome this situation, companies opt for visitor management software that can optimize their overall operations.

How Supply Chain Contributes to Process Excellence?

Recently, 82% of CEOs planned to invest in supply chain systems to achieve process excellence. This is how the supply chain contributes in achieving process excellence:

  • Improved Planning

To achieve process excellence, planning is most important. Effective decision-making in the supply chain is done through advanced forecasting approaches such as predictive analytics and closed-loop planning to enhance customer satisfaction and services. All the upside and downside potential is considered along with advanced inventory management approaches to optimize inventory levels and minimize stock-outs or excess inventory, resulting in improved supply chain efficiency and profitability.

  • Enhances Performance Management

In supply chain, performance management can be enhanced by integrating data from all suppliers and service partners. Organizations can achieve informed decision-making to maximize efficiency and effectiveness, lowering operational costs while improving customer satisfaction. According to a prediction, organizations can experience up to 30% lower operational costs and a reduction of 75% in lost sales. 

  • Automation

Manufacturing industries are switching more to automated processes to improve accuracy and speed. The automated processes helps in handling materials from receiving and unloading to picking, packing, and shipping. It decreases costs, increases productivity, and minimizes error rates. 

So, the proper planning, automation, contribute to process excellence. And by relying on a reliable material gate pass system its increases the process excellence. The system automates the entry exit process, enhance safety & security for safeguarding personnel, materials, and vehicles, keeps track of to and fro of material from vendors to suppliers and vice versa, manages returnable (RGP) and non returnable gate pass.

How Does Gate Pass Help In Process Excellence In The Manufacturing Industry?

For manufacturing industries, achieving process excellence and having the flawless supply chain can be a daunting task. From building a strong relationship with suppliers & vendors, to shipping, and delivery, all need strategic planning & complete tracking. And here an online Gate Pass acts as a savior. Let’s explore how:

  • Only Allow Registered or Pre-Authorised Vehicles

The gate pass system allows you to load all your drivers and vehicles onto the platform by assigning order numbers with a validity period and the number of entries allowed per day.

Also, if any vehicle arrives on campus, it needs to pass the scan. If the details are not recorded in the system, the access is denied automatically. 

  • Collect Relevant Information

A reliable gate pass system records different mandatory information such as if a vehicle is delivering raw material, it captures the delivery note and reg numbers, or the reason for entry and what material the vehicle is carrying. It will also maintain a cloud-secure record of drivers details such as citizenship verification, and document requirements, and easily print visitor badges for quick identification.

  • Pre Register Gate Pass

To digitally automate entry and exit, pre-registration of gate passes is required. Onestop Gate Pass Management System offers real-time notifications. You can pre-register two types of gate passes through the dashboard.

  1. Returnable Gate Pass: A returnable gate pass is issued for materials that enter or exit and are returned or have to be sent back. 
  2. Non Returnable Gate Pass: A non returnable gate pass is issued for materials that enter the gates of your facility and do not exit or exit your premises and are not to be returned.
  • Seal Capturing

Another important feature of supply chain management is seal capturing in which the gate pass system helps to bolster product control and supply chain security. It allows you to scan a seal to keep track of materials. The system will send automatic notifications when a specific seal number enters or exits your campus. 

  • Monitoring and Reporting

Overall a strong gatepass system will improve compliance and manufacturing industry intelligence. In other words, it will keep track of how long vehicles stay on site, record incidents and create financial reports while ensuring security compliance that can be completely customized for the needs of your particular manufacturing facility. Currently, 81% of supply chain professionals believe that analytics and reporting will be important for reducing landed costs and improving overall supply chain efficiency.


If your facilities are still relying on legacy systems, they’re not likely able to keep up. And those who continue to use outdated technology make their enterprises vulnerable to attack. So, it’s time to upgrade from your legacy systems to a seamless, efficient, and scalable visitor management system.

Investing in OneStop visitor management software, you can ensure that your manufacturing industry is safe from any potential security threats while still providing an enjoyable experience for everyone who visits. It is highly configurable and easy to tailor and integrate it into your supply chain security protocols. After all, services are up and running, and the number of workers and visitors is ever-increasing. 

Pharma Industry gate pass

A gate pass management system is primarily important in the pharmaceutical industry to automate the entire gate processes including material, visitors, vehicle, etc. The security of the pharma industry is utmost important and should not be compromised. The assets of the pharma industry too need protective barriers and for all this, company needs a reliable, scalable gate pass management system.

It is important to safeguard sensitive data, streamline processes and operations of the pharma industry, and meet the strict regulatory standards in the industry. In this blog, we will delve into some reasons why the gate pass system is important and how it helps the pharma industry.

Why Gate Pass System Is Important For The Pharma Industry?

A robust gate pass system helps to keep the pharma production cycle running smoothly along with keeping an accurate track of all vehicles, visitors, and related items that need to be shipped or retrieved or any other objects. Here are some reasons why the pharma industry needs a gate pass system:

  • Theft: The pharma sector deals with many thefts such as theft of important information, robbing healthcare findings, research data, and manufactured raw materials, drugs, or medicines which can destroy important research and pharma assets.

For instance, according to the National Library of Medicine, thieves posing as Drug Enforcement Agency agents stole narcotics costing $108,000 in Alabama. However, using a gate pass system can prevent such thefts as a reliable gate pass automates visitor registration, check-in, and check-out, prevents unauthorized access theft of materials, reduces administrative work, and prevents sensitive material and losses. 

  • Fraud: According to a report by the WHO (World Health Organization) from 2017 indicated that 10.5% of medicines/drugs sold in countries like India are substandard and falsified which is a serious threat to patient safety. This is where there is a great need for a gate pass system in pharma to work with access control systems. 
  • Brand Damage: If incidents of thefts or fraud continue in your pharma industry, there are chances that investors may not support your industry and refuse to buy medicines. But with the use of VMS, the pharma industry can track real-time background checks and visitor movements to avoid such incidents thus enhancing security, improving work flow, and providing data analytics. 
  • Security Breach: The Pharma industry consists of expensive assets, valuable research, sensitive visitor data, etc. This sector is the main target for cyberattacks with a staggering 53% of breaches, costing $5.06 million per incident. Gate pass management regulates access, monitors visitor activity, and enhances security to protect their facilities, employees, and valuable assets. Overall, it effectively makes industries aware of vulnerabilities and ensures the safety of your pharmaceutical operations.

How Does the Gate Pass System Help the Pharma Industry?

Gate Pass System Help the Pharma Industry

As the pharma industry deals with drugs, sensitive materials, and research data, it is important to keep these assets safe and away from unauthorized hands. OneStop’s Gate Pass Management System encompasses a range of features, including visitor management, vehicle tracking, and material management system. Let’s understand how pharma industry can leverage these features to their advantage.

Material Management Software

Material management software includes the management of supplies, consumables, materials, etc which streamlines the authorization and tracking of material movements going inward or outward and keeps track of inventory management. The assets can be the items that need to be delivered or retrieved, returnable, non-returnable, inter or intra-transferable, or any other type of object. It resolves the difficulties brought on by paper passes by offering features like real-time monitoring to further enhance transparency and security. Let’s understand how pharma can leverage these features to their advantage.

  • No Paper and Printing Required: A gate pass management system helps in getting rid of the heap of paper forms by automating the whole gate pass operation. 
  • Authorizations And Approvals: Before moving assets to various locations, they need to be authorized by some authority. It also allows you to add or remove any authorizing levels. 
  • Compliance & Audit Requirements: No manual signature is required for material gate passes, they can be approved from anywhere digitally. It maintains compliance and audit requirements by detailing records of all movements, which can be essential during audits.
  • Instant Notifications & Alerts: Unlike traditional gate pass systems, the request for moving material can be notified with necessary information digitally, minimizing the delay time, misplacement, and loss. 

Visitor Management System

OneStop’s visitor management system is essential for the pharma industry because visitors play an essential role in its growth and success. Visitors can be vendors, customers, contractors, auditors, etc. So, it is important to well-protect their sensitive information from destruction, theft, and security. This is where the game of Visitor management software starts. It ensures and safeguards security protocols, environment, and hospital safety along the materials are handled only by authorized people as well. Let’s understand how pharma can leverage these features to their advantage.

  • Protecting the Research: Using VMS, the pharma industry can be sure that their research information or sensitive client details are in authorized hands. 
  • Emergency Management: The visitor management system automates the visitor’s entry and manages the visitor’s details; thus, providing better control in emergencies too.
  • Enhances Safety: VMS, minimizes the entry of unauthorized people which improves and strengthens the industry safety standards.
  • Reducing Unwanted Expenses: With the implementation of visitor management, the pharma industry can reduce the unwanted costs of human resources allocation, thus enhancing the ROI with minimal development cost.

Vehicle Gate Pass System

The pharma industry is a business that deals with logistics, manufacturing, and tracking of vehicles’ movement in and out of the premises. Using the gate pass management system, the process of logging vehicles becomes easier rather than relying on manual paper entries and logs. The traditional approach was time-consuming as they only approved requests when a certain authority permitted vehicles in and out. With the introduction of the vehicle management system, this process becomes fast and offers real-time monitoring of vehicle movements, aiding in inventory management and optimizing traffic flow. Let’s understand how pharma can leverage these features to their advantage.

  • Removes Manual Register from Gate: Using the vehicle gate pass system, the pharma industry can get free from the hassle of paperwork. It’s automated and real-time monitoring of vehicles allows you to approve requests in real-time.
  • Vehicle and Driver Verifications at the Gate: Before the vehicle enters into premises, they need to perform a pre-approval process by submitting the purpose of the visit. Moreover, the driver’s details and other required information are collected for approval. 
  • Verify Vehicle Data Before Entry: Upon arrival of any vehicle, their authentication methods can include bar code scanning, RFID, or license plate recognition to verify the vehicle data. The registration process may require details such as vehicle type, registration number, ownership information, etc. 
  • Security Checks: Upon vehicle arrival, they undergo a security check using a CCTV camera or real-time monitoring where all the relevant security measures are taken to inspect hazardous materials, minimizing the cases of theft, and losses and enhancing security. 


In conclusion, the incorporation of a gate pass management system is essential for the pharma industry like the hospitality industry which we have read in our previous blog. This versatile and indispensable software offers a range of benefits like security, regulatory compliance, streamlined operations, enhancing the visitor experience, and embracing technological advancements. Moreover, using GPMS pharma can customize visitor experiences, and create stronger relationships with their partners and clients. Pharma business grows rapidly, so adopting such reliable solutions becomes not only a necessity but a smart move to stay ahead in the market. 

Take the steps towards a safer and more productive workspace by investing in OneStop Solution GPMS for robust security experience advantages and revolutionizing your visitor management processes.

Read more: Future of Visitor Management: Predictions and Trends for 2024

OneStop Gate Pass Solution for Warehouses

Warehouses and distribution centers are essential verticals of the complex network of supply chains in the modern business landscape. However, these critical pillars are susceptible to security vulnerabilities due to the stirring atmosphere and busy movement in these places, making them prone to theft, burglary and unauthorized access, which impacts the efficiency of their operations. OneStop Gate Pass solution provides a comprehensive approach and ensures robust security measures that provides an optimal control over these valuable assets.

Risks to Warehouses & Distribution Centers

Warehouses and distribution centers often become the target of burglars and thieves as these serve as the store houses of the high-value merchandise. These places attract risks from both external and internal sources. 

Strategies to enhance the Security of the warehouse and distribution facility

Effective Demarcation

Defining boundaries around the warehouse is essential to maintain order and curb security voilations. Separate zones must be created for dispatching and receiving goods. It helps regulate the flow of people and material into the warehouse or distribution facility. Exterior yard with well built fences, keeping gates locked during non-operation time can help to a great extent to prevent any attempts of intrusion or unauthorized entry. Besides, audible alarms on emergency exits and all entry doors inside the facility boosts the security further.

Visitor Entry Registration

A firm implementation of visitor registration is a crucial step in ensuring tightened security. Visitor registration helps identify and authenticate every person entering the warehouse premises. It is essential to not let visitors or delivery persons enter the warehouse unsupervised. 

Robust Security and Surveillance Systems

A regular comprehensive audit trail of all entries is crucial to thwart the security measures. Implementing access control systems for secured areas can help a great deal. This lets the organizations track the entry of people, time and duration of their stay in the premises. A network of strategically placed video surveillance cameras aids in monitoring both entry points and internal areas, ensuring that all activities are under constant surveillance.

Employee Checks

While we make all necessary efforts to mitigate the external risks, internal threats cannot be overlooked as well. Employee theft can potentially inflict huge losses. To eliminate the risks of employee theft, conducting thorough background checks on employees including their employment history, job terminations etc. should be made compulsory. 

Redefine Security Management with OneStop GatePass

OneStop GatePass is an ultimate software that provides a comprehensive solution to all the security challenges that businesses face in managing warehouses and distribution centers. It addresses the drawbacks of the manual gate pass systems, streamlines processes and ensures flawless record-keeping.

OneStop GatePass Management System encompasses the following features:

Material Gate Pass Management System

Movement of material is an unavoidable process when it comes to warehouse operations. OneStop Material Gate Pass Management System meticulously tracks the in and out flow of materials. It reduces the risk of loss by creating a seamless and automated workflow. It integrates requests, approvals, and gate pass creation into a unified process and reduces human dependence to a greater extent to ensure consistency and accuracy.

OneStop GatePass establishes a standard procedure for the movement of materials between different locations and ensures that every step in the process is regulated, monitored, and documented. From the initial request to the creation of the gate pass and dispatch of materials, every facet is managed within the framework, enhancing control and accountability.

Read: Benefits of Material Gate Pass Management System

Employee Gate Pass Management System

OneStop Employee Gate Pass Management System ensures secure movement of the employees within the warehouse facility. It simplifies the request process and enables a seamless application for the employees for the gate pass. It not only optimizes time and resources but also ensures swift processing. 

Visitor Gate Pass Management System

Visitor Management is an equally important aspect of securing warehouse or distribution premises. OneStop GatePass ensures systematic registration of visitors and maintains a detailed record of their movement. OneStop is an online software system that offers solutions in diverse scenarios, whether a visitor arrives with prior notice or spontaneously it is capable of accommodating all scenarios.

How can OneStop Gate Pass Maximize Control & Minimize Risks

OneStop GatePass offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond security enhancement. Let’s take a look at them:

Enhanced Security

This diverse online gate pass system offers a robust security framework that not only prevents unauthorized movement but also secures the premises against other threats.

Accuracy and Data Integrity

Since it automates the record-keeping process, the scope for errors and inconsistencies gets reduced to a greater extent.

Operational Efficiency

OneStop Gate Pass management software enhances the operational efficiency. It save time and resources and eliminates the shortcoming of the traditional manual systems.

Reduced Human Involvement

This software reduces the dependency on human resources by automating the majority of the repetitive tasks. 

Seamless Integration

OneStop GatePass offers a comprehensive framework that ensures the seamless integration of material, employee, and visitor transactions, creating a unified security ecosystem.

Onestop offers a comprehensive security solution that combines cutting-edge hardware in the form of boom barriers with powerful software. This innovative approach ensures seamless access control, enhanced safety, and streamlined management, making Onestop the ultimate choice for integrated security solutions.


OneStop GatePass goes beyond traditional gate access systems by providing a complete solution i.e. hardware & software that addresses all aspects of warehouse and distribution center security. By automating and streamlining processes, it ensures not only tighter security, but also greater operational efficiency. As organizations continue to face the complexities of modern business, OneStop GatePass is a trusted solution that protects assets, improves controls, boosts security and enhances the overall efficiency of the businesses.

Read : Create & Scan Gate pass with QR Code – Onestop Gatepass Software

Gate Pass is  essential to manage the entry and exit of visitors, vehicles, and materials in organizations, schools as well industries.. The traditional manual gate pass process involved tedious paperwork, and extensive documentation. So,more chances of errors and not an ideal fit, if you are looking for advanced security measures for your business. OneStop Cloud based Gate Pass Software lets you organize and simplify the workflow and streamline the entire gate pass management process. It eliminates the need for manual documentation and improves overall efficiency and productivity of an organisation.

Onestop visitor management software allows for easy creation of gate passes, addition or removal of approvers, viewing material and vehicle photos, issuing alerts and reminders, and generating comprehensive reports and statistics. It also helps in generatingreturnable and non-returnable passes, maintaining accurate records and facilitating efficient tracking.

Create & Scan Gate Pass with QR

The  new advanced QR code feature introduced in the OneStop Gate Pass Management Software, is a cost effective solution for visitor and material management. QR codes are a type of barcode that can be scanned using a smartphone or a scanner. 

Steps for Creation and Scanning of OneStop QR Code Gate Pass

Step 1  – Setting up your Account

  • Visit OneStop Gate Pass website https://www.onestop.global. Click the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner.
  • Enter your details such as first and last name, email address and a strong password. Select your country/ location.
  • Provide your mobile number for authentication.
  • Agree to the terms of the policy and click “Continue” to proceed.
  • Verify your account through the system-generated verification email.

Once you’ve created your account, you can sign in  by simply clicking the “Sign In” button and entering your email & password.

Step 2 – Settings & Configuration

In order to effectively set up and utilize the features and functionalities of OneStop modules, go to the settings module and configure specific settings on your system based on your business requirements. It includes settings related to assigning roles, gate pass, form settings, out pass approval, user roster etc. 

Roles & User Access

After setting up account, the next step is to add users and assign them specific responsibilities and permissions. There are two default profile permissions available in the software:

  • Super Admin:  Super Admins have complete access to the system and control all functions. Ensure to allot at least one Super Admin in the organization to oversee and manage all operations.
  • Users: Users are assigned specific permissions and roles based on the defined profiles within the organization. Their access to data and functionality is determined by the permissions assigned to their profiles. This ensures that users have access to the relevant information and functionalities required for their specific roles within the organization.

You can add the number of users based on the OneStop software edition that you’ve purchased and the number of user licenses available. Each user is provided with a unique email and password, which will allow them the access to their individual accounts.

User Roster

Step1: Under the Settings click on the “User Roster”.

Step 2: Allocate users a storage bin or location, if required.

Step 3 Generating & Scanning QR Code

  • Access the Scan module. Click on the “QR Code Generator” sub-module.
  • Select the company and branch from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose the QR type (Single or Multiple) and specify the quantity if needed.
  • Click “Generate” to create the QR codes.
  • Download, email, or save the QR codes as necessary.

Use the QR Code Scan feature to scan the QR codes from mobile devices.

Creating Gate Pass

  • Go to the Gate Pass module and select the “IN Gate Pass” sub-module.
  • Click “+ IN Gate Pass” and enter the required details. Save the gate pass to generate a unique pass number.
  • Approve the pass by clicking “APPROVE” from the Action menu. Link the QR code by clicking “Link QR”.

Out Gate Pass

  • After the vehicle is loaded/unloaded, and proceed to the exit gate. Scan the QR code at the exit gate to capture the out time. 
  • View track pass details if needed.

Pass Scanning

  • When a vehicle arrives at the gate, use the Pass Scanner to scan the QR code. 
  • Choose options such as Gate Pass In, Gate Pass Track, or Gate Pass Out.
  • Scan the QR code or choose an image to scan.
  • Allow the vehicle to enter the premises or perform the necessary actions based on the scanned QR code.

Managing Reports & Data

  • Access the Scanner Report in the Reports module.
  • You can record vehicle arrival time, wait time at the main gate, offloading time, and exit time.

Benefits of QR Code Gate Pass for Industries

One Stop Gate Pass Management system with QR code creation and scanning capabilities offers significant benefits to the manufacturing industry. 

Simplifies Entry and Exit Process

OneStop QR code Gate Pass simplifies the entry and exit process of vehicles and individuals in the premises. By generating QR codes, it allows for quick and efficient identification and verification of gate passes.

Enhanced Security

Each QR Code gate pass is a unique QR code, which is scanned at entry and at various checkpoints. This ensures that only authorized vehicles and individuals gain access within the premises, reducing the risk of unauthorized entry. 

Improved Efficiency

The QR code feature enables a smooth flow of vehicles and goods within the manufacturing facility. Security guards can quickly scan QR codes using mobile devices, eliminating the need for manual paperwork and reducing waiting times at the gate. This streamlined process helps to optimize resource utilization and enhances operational efficiency.

Real-time Tracking

OneStop Gate Pass Software provides real-time tracking and monitoring of vehicles entering and exiting the facility. The system records important details such as arrival time, wait time, offloading time, and exit time. 

Further this data can be used to generate comprehensive reports, enabling better decision-making and resource allocation.

Access Control and User Management

The customizable vehicle gate pass software allows easy administration of users, roles, and permissions. 

Administrators can assign responsibilities and permissions to different personnel based on their tasks and responsibilities. This ensures that the right individuals have access to the necessary information and functionalities within the system.

Configurability and Customization

The Gate Pass Management System offers various configuration options to adapt to the specific requirements of the manufacturing industry. Settings such as gate pass form customization with company name, logo and other details, out pass approval flow, and user roster allocation can be tailored to suit the unique needs of the facility.

Reporting and Analytics

The system provides comprehensive reports and analytics on gate pass activities. Management can gain valuable insights into vehicle movement patterns, entry and exit trends, and overall facility utilization. This data can aid in identifying bottlenecks, optimizing processes, and improving overall operational efficiency.

Implementing such an enhanced vehicle gatepass management system can greatly contribute to the smooth and secure operation of manufacturing facilities. 


OneStop Gate Pass Software is a robust and reliable solution for managing gate pass operations. Its advanced features, such as QR code generation and scanning, user authentication, and real-time reporting, provide organizations with improved security and efficiency.

Visitor Management
Visitor Management

Visitor Management” keeps track of how often a public building or site is used, manages visitors’ arrival, and makes sure they have a positive experience while they are there. Numerous procedures are typically involved in visitor management to keep guests and staff in a safe, secure, and appropriate location.

What Can Visitor Management Software Do?

Visitor management is essential to keep the workplace secure and in compliance while providing each visitor with a first-rate impression. However, the conventional method of managing and tracking visitors, which relies on physically gathering and maintaining visitor data, typically with something like a paper-based guest confirmation book, may expose businesses to danger while reducing efficiency and effectiveness.

Things to Look for When Choosing a Visitor Management System

Organizations need a reliable visitor management system to track down and control guests. A visitor isn’t an employee of your company present in your office, whether a prospective client, a contender for an appointment, a vendor, or a lawyer. However, picking a reliable visitor management software is essential as it not only improves security but also provides insightful data for your company’s operations.

As a result, you should choose a visitor management system that is appropriate for your company. Let’s look at why your business needs a visitor management system.

1) Get the live status of all visitors

Recognising and following people in the building is feasible since visitor data is recorded in the visitor management system, and photo proof is taken.

Receptionists can easily identify guests since online gate pass systems produce photo IDs for each guest they register. Additionally, you can monitor ongoing visitor movements and examine visitor trends. Additionally, visitors can pre-register so receptionists will have more information about them when they come.

2) Reduced labour cost while improving building security

With a visitor management system, organisations can significantly reduce their infrastructure expenditures. It may not be necessary to use dedicated servers, system-specific equipment, cabling, etc., with the web-based program.

Establishments like business organizations where people often enter and exit need a proper identification system. In these circumstances, a paper-based system or a simple VMS is ineffective since it does not add additional security layers. For such locations requiring a high degree of security, a biometric visitor management system that uses iris and fingerprint technologies are ideal. The software and hardware component’s ability of a VMS determine how secure it can be. Your organisation has many levels of protection thanks to features like facial recognition, emergency alerts, authorization to carry devices, and others.

3) Data Privacy Compliance

Depending on your sector, you might need to gather specific data from each person joining your firm to comply with regulations. You can incorporate the appropriate screening queries into your check-in procedure to ensure that the correct information is collected and stored securely to protect data and privacy.

4) It hastens the sign-in process of visitors dramatically

Businesses can no longer afford to provide customers with experiences like paper sign-in logbooks and lengthy lines at the front desk. With a VMS, visitors’ sign-in process becomes faster and easier.

Visitors must utilize a visitor management system for scanning their IDs or completing pre-registration. The process of authenticating meeting details or authorizing the visit is streamlined and simplified, freeing employees from requiring to recall guests to sign a hardcopy logbook.

Read : All about the Visitor Management System

5) Visitor Management System improves accountability and visibility

Recognising and following individuals within the building is feasible since visitor data is recorded in the Digital visitor management system, and a photo ID is taken.

Receptionists can quickly identify guests since visitor management systems produce photo IDs for each visitor they register. Additionally, you can monitor ongoing visitor activities and examine visitor trends. Also, guests can pre-register so receptionists will have more information about them when they come.

Should you invest in visitor management system?

Your visitors contribute to developing a more robust workforce, so you must possess the appropriate technology to welcome them and ensure their time is as pleasant as possible. You can wow each guest that enters your doors by having a talented workforce, a transparent process, and the appropriate technology.

Read : Benefits of Digital Visitor Management System over Visitor Logbooks

Gate pass
Improve the visitor security with gate pass management system

As the Covid-19 situation has eased a bit in our country, many companies have called back their employees to their beloved workplace. If not completely, many companies have switched to the hybrid model too. This means that the employees are spending around two to three days in their office per week. However, whether it is a few days or a whole week, the most prominent factor is the safety and security of every employee at their workplace. If your workplace is secured, it lets you feel safe every second and enhances your productivity. For this, many companies ensure that they have a GatePass Management System. It gives employees a comfortable feeling because it lets them decide who can come to them or enter their office.

Unlike the unorganized workplaces where anyone can reach an individual physically, and god forbid, any mishap can occur, on the other hand, most companies and organizations have adopted the Visitor Management System. Well, everything comes with its pros and cons. It is undoubtedly a safe and sound system that ensures 100% safety, but if your guest is new to this system, they might be irritated by it. However, this enhanced system does everything from visitor information to their accurate track record.

Pros of the Gate Pass System

  • Ting-Tong! You know who it is – As the Visitor Gate Pass System will notify you first on who is seeking your approval to enter the company premises, no unknown person can just come to you. With this system, many mishaps and crimes can be prevented.
  • No criminal activities – When you ensure that your workspace has a proper Gate Pass Management System, there are very brisk chances of thefts, robberies, or other malpractices. This is because this system ensures that people belonging to that particular place are present, and no other unwanted or suspicious individual is there.
  • Accurate track record – If any unusual activities occur, the track record maintained in the system can help the concerned authorities retrieve the essential data. This is because it records accurately in & out visitor timings.
  • Be ever-ready with proper notifications – As you are notified every single time one wishes to come to your abode/workplace, this facility gives you a time frame to make all the proper arrangements beforehand only. You do not want your workplace to be messy when you know someone special is just arriving.
  • Advanced Control with Visitor Access: One prominent positive feature of the Visitor Pass Management System is easy to control. With this, you can enroll a visitor’s credentials and permit them to access only selected areas.

On the other hand, one of the cons witnessed in this Visitor Pass Management System is that it also results in unnecessary clashes. Many people who work in unorganized companies face this issue when they visit someone who works at a company that has adopted this Visitor Management System. Moreover, as the verification and approval take a little time, people become impatient and often enter into unnecessary arguments. Little do they know that this verification step is mandatory.

Modules of Gate Pass Management System

Officially, this gate pass management system has three kinds of modules.

  • Admin Module: This module is installed for the administration of the workplace. It defines and records the host details, sets gate pass formats, and even generates reports.
  • Host Module: This module is for the employees to keep a tab on the visitor details. The host further can send the response to the safety gate staff.
  • Security Gate Module: This module is deployed at the entrance area of the concerned premises. It facilitates the staff at the security gate to register the visitors’ details with a picture. And further notification is sent to the host.

Read – Workflow of OneStop Gate Pass Management Solution and the benefits of cloud based gate pass management system here.

However, the requirement of a GatePass Management System varies from place to place. Designed to address the safety of physical, intellectual, and human assets, it is no doubt a professional and systematic method. What is more remarkable about this system is that it does not compromise security, hospitality, and productivity.

Read – All about the Visitor Management System

cloud based gate pass system

The evolution in technology has made some efficient changes in business management. A lot of businesses go into huge losses due to cyber-attacks and threats they possess from hackers. But, a revolution in technology has made business management easier. And today cloud-based gate pass management software is indispensable as it secures the business from predators.

Cloud-based gate pass management has pros that you cannot ignore. It is a smart technology that helps in eliminating any concerns about safety and security in an office. Many organizations are still contemplating this change. If you are one, then here are a few advantages of cloud-based gate pass management software.

How would you define cloud-based?

If you are new to this term then let’s delve into its definition before stating the advantages. The definition is given by Eric Griffith the founder of PCMag, “Cloud-based computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of a computer’s hard drive”.

So what does Cloud-Based Gate Pass Management System mean and how does it helps?

This means when any visitor, vehicle or material enters your sites, the entries are done on the cloud server instead of being hosted by a local internet server.

How is cloud gate pass management software helpful?

It means the data won’t be stored on the computer hard drive rather it will be all over the internet. So you can access who came and for how long they stayed, anytime anywhere.

Read: Improve the visitor security with gate pass management system

Reasons to have a Cloud-Based Gate-Pass Management System

1.    Cloud-Based Has Free Trials

Cloud-based platforms are SaaS applications, which means it has a free trial period. You can either cancel the subscription or carry it on depending on the service you enjoy. For instance, with One Stop Global, you can get the cloud-based gate system free trial for 15 days. With that, you can easily learn how to sign up every employee in your office in the system and how to use it. This way you get enough time for making decisions on how to operate the cloud-based gate pass management system in an institution.

2.   No Need To Fret Over Data Loss

One of the biggest benefits of using cloud-based gate pass management software is you can never lose the data. Every little information is saved on the cloud, so any employee in your office from the front desk to the manager can log in to the account and access the data and files. The institution or office does not depend on the original copy. You can access the data from any device or any place with a cloud-based visitor management system.

Furthermore, you can anonymize the data, this means you are in authority over which data you want to share in the public domain. With the cloud-based gate system, you can organize your data, reach a high level of security, and control which clients and interviewees can look at the data of the company.

3.   Cost-Effective

Cloud-based system costs are far lower than any other on-site gate-management system. The reason behind the cost-effectiveness is you don’t need to install high-security server-side hardware, antiviruses, and storage. Moreover, you don’t need to spend too much on extra space so you can house the local servers.

The cloud-based system has automated upgrades, so you don’t need to spend on regular maintenance plans, software support, and future upgrades on both hardware and software.

4.   System is always up to date

Regular updates can make the system slow. Maintenance takes time and also leads to a delay in the overall productivity of a company. Whereas, the installation of cloud-based management can save both time and money.

5.   Easy Setup And Installation Process

Selecting a user-friendly management system is the stair to active higher adoption rates. Web-based gate pass management system is a SaaS application, so the solution is easier to set up and installation is easy, it does not require any specific training. This makes the company more efficient if they have understood the process of using the software during the trial period. It is a one-time process where you need to learn once and after that, a smooth and intuitive platform is there to work.

6.   Data is Easily Accessible

As we have mentioned above, the cloud-based management system is not localized software. The data is on the internet which is easily accessible by any employee or staff. The data is not stored in any hardware and local servers, anyone with authorized permission can access the data from any device.

7.   Cloud-based Software is Highly Scalable

When we consider any technology for any business the first thought that strikes us is ‘how scalable it is?’ So, when you use SaaS software for business and gatepass management systems, it gives the ability to grow the business. So, if you have a small business right now but it is growing exponentially every year you don’t need to worry about outgrowing the gate-pass management system.

The reason behind this is since all the information is stored in a cloud-based management system you can easily increase the number of visitors to your subscription,  without any significant effect on the system. Even in the future if you open multiple offices in a different location, the setup process will be easy and hassle-free.

8.   Low Maintenance and Low-Security Risk

Bid goodbyes to the ugly old application that requires weekly or monthly maintenance and embraces a cloud-based management system. When you adopt a cloud-based system, the company which provides you this system manages the regular updates and ensures you are always using the latest version.

The cloud management is always checked, updated regularly, and secured by the provider company ensuring there is no data thrift from hackers. It provides a guard against vulnerable data.

Data thrift is one of the top concerns of any corporate system, accepting and embracing a technology that secures against security vulnerability should always be celebrated.

Also Read: Workflow of OneStop Gate Pass Management System


OneStop Gate Pass Management System is one of the leading Gate Pass management software in India. It secures the data and provides all the advantages listed in the article. So, take advantage of the benefits mentioned above to remain ahead of the transition curve.